Generally the stories about favela life in Rio are scary. These ones are not, highlighting positive changes that are happening today. Having spent all of about 3 hours in a favela since arriving here, I obviously don't claim to know much, but I'm certainly interested. I do know that favelas are not all about drugs and poverty the way people picture them, they are also about families, community and every day life.
- Interesting article about a property rights project for residents of Cantagalo (the favela at the end of Ipanema). Property lines were established and mapped, creating transferable property titles for longstanding residents.
- Rio's Police Pacification Project in Cidade de Deus (City of God) features an afternoon physical education program directed by officers.
- Article in the Financial Times about Rio's Police Pacification Project offering glimmers of hope for Rio residents.
- National Geographic blog post about a Favela Painting Project, which creates striking artworks, collaborating with local people to use art as a tool to inspire, create beauty, combat prejudice and attract attention. - there is also a facebook group you can join.
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