I have somehow managed to completely avoid the whole Twilight thing. Haven't read a book or watched any of the movies. I'm sure it is not the only pop culture craze I missed out on living in Rio over the past few years. (As a complete aside I recently discovered that even after THREE years Ben Mulroney still has a TV show back in Canada. Really? REALLY? Disappointing. Though, encouraging to know that the job market clearly must not be THAT tough there. )
As I hear more and more about the movie in the series that's currently being filmed (see, I don't even know the title), I do think I will have to jump on the bandwagon at some point, no matter how late in the game.
Why? Well, it was filming in two locations I'm well familiar with - Rio (Paraty), and Tofino, the teeeeeeeny tiny fishing village where I was born. I kinda wonder if the film's location scout has been following me around.... If you can find anything else in the universe that's so connected to these two special and somewhat obscure places as, well, me and this film, then you can bet I want to know about it. If someone actually does come up with something - anything, I will even provide a prize.
So I guess I will have to see it. Vampires, right?
"I am guessing this is not a good time to mention my swim in a waterfall surrounded by butterflies this morning?"