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    « Feliz Ano Novo | Main | Tiradentes? »

    January 04, 2011


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    Jorge Suarez

    Or, did you consider that you and your dining companions may all be annoying gringos and the kitchens are trying to poison you?;) Brazilians are more conscious about eating any meat bem pasado than North Americans. I am Brazilian and have lived here my entire life and this has never happened to me. I dine out practically every night and love to order chicken.


    I would say that they indeed do the total opposite with meat... taking all the taste out of it and burn it to dead :) .

    I encountered the same with Chicken before as you did, but actually more a rare occasion... In my case I almost always have to ask to keep some blood in my meat. They are very scary it will come back alive otherwise :)


    It's happened to me with ground beef in Brazil...

    Agarwood Tea Leaves

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