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    January 18, 2011


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    Bank Itau has a special account where people can deposit money to go to the flood victims:

    Itau 341
    Agency number:5673
    Account number: 00594-7
    CNPJ 02932524/0001-46
    Fundo de Ass Social RJ

    Pra quem quiser ajudar as vitimas das chuvas no estado do RJ, o Itaú disponibilizou uma conta específica para doações ao Fundo de Assistência Social do RJ.
    Itaú 341
    Agencia 5673
    Conta 00594-7
    CNPJ 02932524/0001-46
    Fundo de Ass Social RJ
    Agencias Itaú RJ passam a funcionar como pontos de coleta para recebimento de doações
    Vamos ajudar!

    Jorge Suarez

    In Zona Sul (South zone), as of Monday, January 17th, donations can be given at the offices of either Christ Church or the British and Commonwealth Society (BCS), both located at Rua Real Grandeza, 99 in Botafogo. Hours are from 9AM to 5PM. Please contact the Church’s secretary, Karen, at +55 (21) 2226-7332, or the BCS’ Gaynor or Monica at +55 (21) 2537-6695.

    In Barra da Tijuca, as of Sunday, January 16th, donations can be given at the Union Church, Av. Pref. Dulcidio Cardoso, 4351. Weekday office hours are from 8AM to 4PM. Please contact the Church’s secretary, Carol, at +55 (21) 3325-8601.

    In the Metrô Rio, eleven stations have established collection centers: Carioca, Central, Largo do Machado, Catete, Glória, Ipanema/General Osório, Pavuna, Saens Peña, Botafogo, Nova América/Del Castilho e Siqueira Campos.

    Monetary donations can be made directly to the municipalities in the region, to Rio State’s Civil Defense department, or to other funds set up to provide social assistance to the victims.

    Prefeitura de Nova Friburgo
    (Municipality of Nova Friburgo)
    Bank: Banco do Brasil
    Agency: 0335-2
    Account No: 120.000-3

    Prefeitura de Teresópolis
    (Municipality of Teresópolis)
    Bank: Banco do Brasil
    Agency: 0741-2
    Account No: 110000-9 (under the name “SOS Teresópolis – Donativos”)

    Defesa Civil – RJ
    Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal
    Agency: 0199
    Operation: 006
    Account No: 2011-0

    Fundo Estadual de Assistência Social do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    (State of Rio Social Assistance Fund)
    CNPJ 02932524/0001-46
    Bank: Itaú
    Agency: 5673
    Account No: 00594-7

    Daily Rio Life

    Thank you!!

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