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    « Help! | Main | Best-ever Rainy Sunday Deal in Rio »

    September 24, 2010


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    Miss Footloose

    What a grat idea! I wonder if these tupes of courses are available in other countries. With so many people living as expats in foreign countries, it looks like a business opportunity to arrange these.

    The more we understand the culture and the people of our new habitat, the better.

    Miss Footloose

    Ouch! Sorry for the typos. I forgot to check. Very embarrassed!


    I offer consultations on Brazilian culture as I lived there for 15 years and know the ins and outs especially from a foreigners point of view.
    If you live in the Calgary area, I am the go to person for anything to do with Brazil (translations,relocations,pre trip consultation, cultural differences and how to overcome them)


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    Diane Smith

    Not only does teaching in a foreign country introduce culture to the students, but you can learn about Brazil and other countries that you visit. Broaden your horizons!

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