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    « Best-ever Rainy Sunday Deal in Rio | Main | Casa Cor »

    September 26, 2010


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    I was actually just wondering about this, so thanks for the clarification. Will be arriving next weekend in Rio with ours! Good to know they're not required in taxis or buses.


    I saw some at Lojas Americanas for R$300. I always bring my carseats from home. I heard that they are being a little more lax on the fining because of the short supply and high costs of seats... Then again, that´s just a rumor.

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    I am so happy this is finally on the agenda here, though I really feel for well intending parents who just can't find or afford these things. I think there are too many needless deaths and injuries due to lack of seatbelts or carseats here, and in 7 years I have seen a great many people who just are fine riding in cars without seatbelts. Let's hope this helps to usher in a change in attitude and let's hope it actually gets enforced in the long-run. Carseats are expensive here (average R$200-R$700), and the booster seats for the 3-7 crowd are expensive and hard to find as well. I think we paid R$150 2 years ago for the booster seat, one that costs US$15 in the US. Robbery! My songra said that she's been trying to buy a booster seat for my son for her car for 6 months unsuccessfully, I have to lend her ours when she takes him. There exists a HUGE market for baby and children's things here, if someone would just manufacture quality items here locally and for a reasonable price, WOW, you'd have a thriving business.


    I remember when my boys were little, I was the only person I knew that used car seats in Rio. People there thought I was being over cautious(ironically they are the same ones who insist on tuques for babies in 25 degree weather...)
    Babies on laps in front seats, climbing in between the seats...I used to be horrified.
    Car/booster seats are a fortune in Brazil and I am surprised that they are not manufactured in Brazil and sold for a decent price.


    This post is from a few months ago... What is up to carseat laws right now?
    I'm coming down in about 2 weeks, and I'm bringing my own, I'm assuming they except the ones from here just, since according to other blogs people buy through and get it sent to Brasil... Does anybody know how things are now?

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