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    « Perfectly Randomly Rio | Main | Seems obvious but... »

    August 06, 2010


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    Good info! And I like that it looks like there's plenty of shade. Are all (some/most) parks in Rio sandy, like this one appears to be?

    And by proper baby swings does that mean bucket swings so the child can't fall out?

    Love the parks/playground theme btw -- very helpful to know where to bring my 2 year old!

    Miss Footloose

    I'd love to subscribe to your blog (posts) but where is your RSS button?

    Daily Rio Life

    JKD - Yes there is a lot of shade. Beautiful walk, too. Some parks are sandy, some have grass.. Yes I mean bucket swings, which are not common here.

    Miss Footloose - let me work on that...

    Brazil travel deals

    The playground is a clear as it is because the kids pack the snow even tighter. The park bench is getting ready to go under. The train floats on the surface. I find it interesting how American press has just gone crazy on the snow in East Coast America.

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