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    August 01, 2010


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    Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries

    I really love this picture of you! :)

    katie clancy

    Hello! I found your blog on google when I was searching for yoga studios in Rio. I am a yoga teacher from the states (NYC and Colorado) who is planning a teaching tour in south america this february.

    Im wondering if you know of any studios who I could contact in Rio who might be open to a workshop? I am also a certified pilates instructor and would be gratful if you know of any that exist, too.

    Thank you for your help navigating through Rio! I appreciate any insights you might have.

    Blessings, Katie Clancy



    I am Argeninian and I was looking for ashtanga yoga workshop in Rio to do in January 2011 and found your blog. Could you please give me the contact information of your studio.
    Thanks very much!
    my e - mail es: [email protected]



    Hi There

    I will be coming down to Rio later this month from Toronto and want to continue my regular yoga practice (ashtanga). I would also love to do a short retreat. Any suggestions?




    My's a great effort and one that will make people and the planet healthier!
    Any plans to duplicated efforts in or around Hartford? There are lots of folks up there who would love more farmers markets up that way.



    Thank you very much for this information. I will be moving to Rio in March and am already trying to sort out parts of a normal life there. It really helped me!

    My best

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