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    « Little old ladies and storeclerks in Rio, this one's for you! | Main | On Class Reunions »

    June 10, 2010


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    DRL, I don't know if you have been to Punta del Este before. For me is THE place to go specially for Xmas and New Year's. Depending what you are looking for La Punta (downtown Punta del Este) is great a spot if you want to walk everywhere, nice beaches, restaurants, the port and the marina. I absolutely LOVE Punta. I have spent many New year's there.
    Jose Ignacio is nice too but quiet and you do depend on a car. Probably is like 20 km from Punta del Este. The beaches have lots of waves and is windy. That side of Punta del Este it is called La Brava (The Brave) because of the wavy sea.
    I will ask my friends about the housing options you are looking for and see what they suggest.
    You will see that Punta del Este is full of Brazilians. They love it.

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