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    « Zona Sul Outfitted for World Cup | Main | In the Gallerias »

    June 24, 2010


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    Hi there! I too was thrilled to see that something was finally happening with the old McDonald's location however it appears that it will be just temporary. My husband mentioned it being the headquarters for a politician during the upcoming, that's what I've heard at least.


    my first 'reliable' source said it was a sushi place, while the next guy was convinced it was a burgerking. apparently blue yelloe are the burgerking colours. whatever it is it must be a fast food as they are installing counters, and overhead signage that looks very much like a fastfood.


    Oh, it already been confirmed the location will be used as the headquarter for Serra -- who is running for presidency.

    Then, it'll be transformed in a yogurt place. Its owners will be Luciano Huck -- a famous Brazilian television personality -- and some other executives.

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