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    May 11, 2010


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    It's beautiful!


    Hi, this looks really great. Did you go with your child? We have a small baby and when looking at the policy it say 18 years or over.

    Daily Rio Life

    No babies! And honestly, it's so not appropriate for them for so many reasons.

    Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries

    Oh WOW!!! I could definitely spend a long weekend, or week or month there.... :)

    Account Deleted

    How close were you to the Rua das Pedras, would love to stay here bu.t want to be able to cab it from a restaurant there. Also any idea on price? Looks incredible. Thinking this would be great for our anniversary

    Daily Rio Life

    It is not exactly close to Rua das Pedras, you'd need to cab or drive. It's also pricey like upwards of R$500 a night in low season. Anniversary - absolutely....

    Buzios explorer

    I suggest a link where you can also see virtual tours with 360 degree photos of all the beaches of Buzios RJ Brazil, and also a great gallery of photos, and Búzios characteristics as well as seeing service in the city

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