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    « 2009 Rio Expat Survey: The Difficulties | Main | Wicked Waves in Leblon »

    February 27, 2010


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    Account Deleted

    Looks like a really interesting place! I've never heard of it before. I'm a little intimidated by the location though. Maybe my inlaws will go with me sometime. I don't splurge for flowers too often but if I do, Cobal is good, so are the feiras, and there is a guy with a flower cart that sometimes I see in Leblon and he always has my fav, tuberoses.

    Wrenaissance Art

    Cadeg is fantastic!
    One-stop party shopping—wine, beer, deli goods, paper and plastic goods. Flowers at wholesale prices. Get there before 9 am. I think they close at noon. Dress casual, take cash; only the wine sellers accept debit cards.


    Thanks for sharing the places for buying flowers in Rio. It was nice going through your blog.

    Daily Rio Life

    I need to take my own recommendation and go sometime!

    philippines flower shop

    Lovely flowers! Wish someone also send me like that. Anyway, I'm been looking for topics as interesting as this. Looking forward to your next post.


    Send Roses Philippines

    How I wish I could also experience buying flowers in Rio,I will buy all beautiful flowers i could see. :)


    utah gynecologist

    Thanks for the tip!

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