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    « 2009 Rio Expat Survey Results: Treats and Daytrips | Main | Brazilian Bride »

    February 20, 2010


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    Now you know how brazilians feel when they see some wrong information about the country. This thing about samba girl was shown in many other countries, and I dare to say 70% of the news were trying to show it as wrong, for exemple you have the newspaper in Sweden that said the new "sexy muse" of the carnival was a girl of 7yo. Come on!
    What they mean with this? we all are pedophiles? But we can't do anything, the "truths" about the exotic Brazil will continue being: The capital is Rio de Janeiro and we speak spanish.


    The little girl danced, but after crying and saying she didn't want to (the poor girl looked like a deer in headlights) here's a video as well as the winning samba school's front of the parade performance--incredible.

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