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    « 2009 Expat Survey Results: Working in Brazil, the rewards and frustrations | Main | 2009 Expat Survey Results: Escolas »

    January 13, 2010


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    Thanks for the props! We hope you like our service


    I used to use MyUS until I did some further research as a starving student and found out it is among the most expensive of parcel forwarding companies. Look up Shipito. They are a popular service but also VERY much cheaper.


    If you would like to try, we’ll waive the Setup Fee ($20) with a Premium Membership. Go to for the discount to be applied*. Beyond consolidating your packages, we offer a personal shopper service, low rates, and excellent customer service. Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to shipping to you!

    *Discount valid only to 3/22/10


    Great article, I am a shoe lover in Kuwait, I have been using myuspostoffice for the last five years and find them to be much superior to I have just renewed my annual membership for $79.99, what makes them good is the fast service they give me, I receive my Amazon shipment in AM and they ship it to me in afternoon. You should give them a look. They also accept Paypal and my international credit card.

    Samira from Kuwait

    Jennifer Kumo

    I live in London and I find it hard and expensive to use Aramex, they ship one box at a time and their rates are high, slow response time and lost packages. I am using for my forwarding to London UK. They are super fast and approved by US post office. They ship to me by DHL, USPS, FeDex and TNT. I only paid $79.99 for the year for membership. This is another good mail forwarding service that should be considered when purchasing things from USA.

    I loved the service for all my Amazon and Zappos shoe purchases, I get them really fast and I track all my orders online through their secure website



    I'm looking for the best online shopping store. Any votes? I've tried a couple places but if there are better places I'd like to find them.

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