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    « Brazil in the News | Main | Air France Flight 447 »

    November 09, 2009


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    I just stumbled across your site, and I love this idea. I wish there was a way for more expats to share their experiences abroad, so we can truly "see" beyond the boundaries of our US borders. Our view of the world can be so narrow! I've posted some of my travels on my own blog, but it would be nice to really share traveller/expat information on some portal - we have some much vital information about cultural differences, misperceptions to share!

    And on that note - I totally agree with your oprah comments. I watched this episode as well, and thought to myself - they only way to do this idea justice is to:

    a) have 1 country per episode. There are so many differences between cities within countries they may even have to make it 1 city per episode. I'd much rather see this, than the Fridays live.

    b) have the country guide take more audience questions/comments. It would allow viewers to get a broader view than Oprah's narrow-minded questions/comments.

    Anyway, love your site! Hope I can catch you on twitter/facebook!


    They just showed this episode yesterday here in Egypt. The woman in Dubai annoyed me to no end. That Oprah would interview someone who was obviously of such a high economic class seemed so out of touch with her usual message.

    She spent 30 minutes in Denmark and then stuffed 5 other countries into what little time was left. And i still can't believe she took that bread!


    Congratulations! That is how we feel every time people who never been here, but thinks that knows a lot, talk about Brazil, especially Rio!

    It seems that they are always trying to show the negative points... like if they were trying to pass the message: "look how blessed we are for living in the US".


    I am an American student currently studying in Rio, and I am so glad I found your blog before I came here.

    I haven't been here for long (going on 11 weeks), but this city has already found a place in my heart to be sure. I didn't get to see Oprah's segment on TV, but I did watch the after-show parts online, and I was very upset that she only addressed the woman in Rio for a minute and in a pretty negative way.

    I'm not sure if you could email me back, but I would love to get some ideas about Rio from you. I am here for 5 more weeks, and I want to make the most of the precious time I have left here!

    danielle Sullivan

    Hi I'm Brazilian, from Rio, but I live in Boston. All they show on tv is really bad, I'm going with my husband and my twins (7 months ) to Rio in December, and I'm so scared ! Help, we are going to stay in piedade for a week then head to Arraial do Cabo, any suggestion where to go with my gringo husband ? I'been here so long !( 12 years)


    Haha, I feel the same about Chile. Lately I've read a couple articles written by travel writers who've spent limited time here, and even when it's positive I find myself saying "no, you've got it all wrong!" I think living abroad has tarnished travel writing for me forever because I've realized that people who've spent 5 days somewhere really can't give me the best tips on where to go, what to see, or how to understand the culture.


    shame on Oprah talking bad abut brasil..interesting how she always talk about being raise poor but talks bad about favela? And she helps all these African people in Africa..I do not understand that?

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    Currently in Rio...