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    November 13, 2009


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    We got used to blackouts in both Nairobi and Delhi. We now keep a BIG flashlight in the living room and smaller ones in each bed room. (I don't like candles or i'd have those stashed too.)

    Glad you guys are ok after your first big blackout. :)


    I was putting my son to sleep when the a/c went out. My husband called from Sao Paulo to say the power was out there too so I realized it was something large-scale. Thanks to Halloween, I had lots of tea light candles handy. It was only 3 hours though, was happy to get the a/c back!


    I was very comfortable in my bedroom with the a/c on! But then, the lights began to flash and the rest you know! At first, I thought it was just in my street, but an uncle called me from another area of the city, so I realized it was the whole town. Minutes later, I got another call, from Cabo Frio, and figured that it wasn't just the city of Rio, but the entire state. Then I heard that even Paraguay was out of power.

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