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    « Today's the BIG DAY!!! | Main | So, whaddya wanna know? »

    October 03, 2009


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    I didn't think Rio would make it either...we even made a bet @ work...ahaha..which I loss...I though Chicago or Madri would be chosen.
    I'm so happy and proud...although I'm from Recife, as a brazilian I feel represented by Rio!

    Beijo pra você.


    Yay! Yesterday WAS a great day, people running out into the street shouting "Rio!, Rio!"...all of the bars filled up from 2pm on into late in the night spilling out onto the streets with tons of people wearing their yellow and green t-shirts, smiles all around, toasting this wonderful event. At my son's school they painted faces with brasilian colors. A very exciting time for Rio and well deserved! Super happy about this.

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