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    « Scary | Main | Things you see on Ipanema Beach »

    August 09, 2009


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    Miss Footloose

    I just came back from Holland, and yes, I've seen women wearing them, but with the crotch even much lower and the whole affair much wider and baggier. UGLY! If the Dutch are wearing them, I imagine other Europeans are as well.

    Fashion is good for a laugh, that's the positive side ;)

    Miss Footloose


    No, those pants are not meant for normal people to wear them o.o
    I feel this is the case with much high fashion, which is sad.

    Daily Rio Life

    Miss Footloose - we have that variety here too. In fact we have a garmet that resembles a long skirt except that at the bottom there are little leg pant thingies (really really hard to describe, just picture pants that are super loose and the crotch is literally around the ankles! Not sure how one walks in those ones...)

    Dani - true. Although here I think it's taken off as after-beachwear.

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