I read an article recently saying that people who have been expats score higher on creative problem solving tests (have you ever taken a creative problem solving test? I wonder what's involved...?).
Makes sense to me as often improvisation is needed in these scenarios.
Here's Mr. DRL's "bathtub" he made for me. Which is what you do when you live in an apartment with four showers and no bathtub. Good thing the one in our ensuite is big enough to hold this baby pool!
great solution!! We used the standing baby bath until Kevin got too big. Then we bought an inflatable tub insert in the US. Not as swanky as your kiddie pool, but did the job. Of course, as soon as Kevin could stand on his own he has been taking showers (and saving mommy´s aching back). One of his favorite things about visiting the US is taking baths!
Posted by: Corinne | August 31, 2009 at 05:05 PM
Oh my Goooosh! I've been dying for a bath!! Guess what I'm getting tomorrow?
Posted by: Alli | September 01, 2009 at 11:15 PM
Can I now where did you buy that kind of l
"bathtub"? we need too for my little girl. Thanks...(I hope we have the room at least the same size with your shower room)
Posted by: atik | December 01, 2009 at 10:46 AM