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    July 24, 2009


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    Wow, those photos are just gorgeous! I can't imagine living in a place so beautiful :)

    Glauce Pickering

    Muito legal seu blog!
    I really enjoyed your blog. I am from Rio and live for 7 yrs in the US. I like the very thorough way you describe life in Rio through a Canadian's eyes... Hope you enjoy living in the city. I used to keep a blog from Rio as well, but with life away from Rio and pure laziness i haven't posted in a while...

    Glauce Pickering

    Daily Rio Life

    Bethany - thanks for the comment. I know it is sooooo gorgeous. Still breathtaking a year and a half later.

    Glauce - I need to check out your blog, thanks for the comment!


    I know exactly how you feel, I can't live without my huge family. When I was on a Euro trip for 4 months I made myself so sick from stress I ended up in the hospital for a week. I can't live without my family.

    You're pretty strong to be away from home for almost 2 years! "...breathtaking a year and a half later."

    It's good that at least you know to go out for a walk. I do that here in NYC. When ever I'm stressed out I drive my local park and look at the city lights, it makes me feel like I have a pause button on my life while everyone else is running errands I'm sitting by the water under the bridge thinking about my problem(s) and then just random things right after that.

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