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    « Move over, MC Gringo... | Main | Signs of the times? »

    June 01, 2009


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    I am so sorry for your loss. It is very shocking and sad. I hope they are able to figure out what happened. Take care and enjoy your time with your family.


    Oh my god. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. This sounds weird, but knowing you actually know people on this flight has made this seem so much more real.

    I'm so sorry. **hugs**

    ali la loca

    I am so sorry for your loss and for the loss of the families and friends of everyone on board.

    All we can do is appreciate the time we have, strive to lead the best and fullest of lives in that unknown period.


    So sorry for your loss. My significant other was actually on the very same plane a few hours earlier on the Paris-Rio route. We are feeling shocked, relieved, sad, terrified--all at the same time.


    I'm sending you a huge hug from Chile. I hope you can still enjoy your mom and sister's visit and wish you the best in the tough times ahead.


    Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I've been following the news ever since I first heard about the accident since it just doesn't make any sense. A terrible thing that just shows that anything can happen anywhere, even to the reliable airlines, experienced pilots and good airplanes. Your family must have felt quite shocked at having arrived at GIG in such moment. In moments like these, it is good to have little ones to turn the attention to something precious.

    I'm flying to Rio with Iberia in three weeks and although I'm not too scared flying, accidents like this and the last one of Spanair in Madrid just don't make me want to get on board.

    Daily Rio Life

    Thanks very much everyone. writeupinrio - some of our closest friends in Brazil were also on that flight with your husband!

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