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    « Rio Restaurant Plates | Main | Unpleasant no matter how you swing it »

    April 22, 2009


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    Kimberly Johnson


    I wanted to let you know that I am hosting an event for women called Celebrating Sacred Femininity which will include yoga, movement, creativity exercise, writing, sharing and a delicious Indian lunch. It will be on November 14 at Coparampa in Copacabana (Rua Sa Ferreira) This will be an inaugural event to be followed by monthly half day women's gatherings with guest presenters. The write-up on the website is in Portuguese, but I am American and the workshop will be in both English and Portuguese. I would love for you to join! (Also I know some other Canadians who have Candocas that you might like to meet)

    Also I am hosting a yoga intensive on Ilha Grande from Nov. 29-Dec. 5, 2009.

    I love your posts and can totally relate to everything you write having had a baby in Brazil!

    Love Kimberly


    kimberly again,

    forgot to leave the link for the women's event

    this page happens to be in portuguese.

    it will be a bilingual event. because my portuguese is pretty
    good but not THAT good.

    hope you can make it.

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