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    « For the winos and whiners... | Main | Brazil Bull »

    March 07, 2009


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    I completely agree...especially regarding the apartment locating services. We tried two different agencies and neither one could show us anything we wanted - amazing!! I don't know how many places we looked at that we asked ourselves, "why are we even here, this is nothing like what we want!" Finally, we ditched the services and lived in an apartment/hotel for a month and found our perfect place all by oursleves...

    Ray Adkins

    The behavior sounds very familiar, I think it must be a world trend more than a Brazil thing...
    We had the exact same issue with a real estate agent in Florida, showing us all kinds of houses she knew it wasn't at all what we were looking for...
    There was a special 20/20 report on some dental clinics in the US under investigation by the Justice Department for performing unnecessary procedures on children.
    I also had an experience with a travel agent from Boston trying to push hotels in Europe that weren't at all what we were looking for, very much the opposite of what we had specified. We later found out that they got bigger commissions from the hotels they were trying to push on to us.
    I recently had another bad experience at the local Lincoln dealership, but I won't even go sales people...
    I think it is the constant growing pressure for increased profits, it must be a global thing.
    I guess we just have to be aggressive into putting our foot down and demanding the services we want/need or going somewhere else.
    You are certainly on the right track.

    Daily Rio Life

    Caroline - glad you found something!
    Ray - Good to know it's not just here!

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