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    « They say it's the little things... | Main | Expats + The Recession »

    March 10, 2009


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    i used to live near the lagoa and would walk there daily. i always felt very safe and would often walk early in the evening with my children. so sad this is happening and also a reminder to not be complacent


    I was a rower at Flamengo and there was always concern over getting mugged on the bike/running trails of Lagoa. We would always try and run in groups and never alone, especially since we were running at 6am. Try to use Lagoa at time when there are lots of other people (although one would think 9:30 to be one of those times).

    Daily Rio Life

    I think that the feeling of general safety we all have there is why everyone is so rattled!

    Bobbi Holberg

    Oh, Jesus, this is really scary, especially for women bikers! When going to places which you're not familiar, better observe the place and always have presence of mind. We're not sure who the people with bad intentions are. If I may add, never forget to wear safety gears like ansi safety vest, knee braces, and especially helmet.

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