After all of the warnings we've had (and our visitors have had), and our feeling very comfortable in Rio, living here for 4 months without any incident whatsoever... I had the scariest moment of my time in Brazil (and maybe of my life, today).
Four girls in Centro, checking out the markets, a bit overdressed as we planned to take the Bonde to Santa Teresa then go out for dinner and maybe dancing later...
Four blocks into the market, we see a military police vehicle with four officers in it, machine guns pointed outwards. Unsettling yes, not what we're used to at all, but we did not feel threatened. One of the girls I was with commented that the officers had been staring and glaring at us. It was faced in a direction away from us, so we did not think much of it.
Fast forward to two blocks later when we realize that the military vehicle has turned around (a feat in centro, with its narrow little streets! But I guess anything is possible when you have four machine guns aimed at the crowd), and followed us down the street.
I made eye contact with the officer in the front passenger seat as the vehicle neared us and what I saw frightened me more than I have probably ever felt in my life. The look was of pure hatred, and evil, and the glare continued as the vehicle slowly passed by, guns pointed out. I had one of those "feelings" -we have to get out of here NOW. It was so intense I almost started crying.
I don't care to speculate about what I feel may have happened had we not immediately left, but all I can say is that I don't think I've ever had such a strong instinct, and I previously did not fully appreciate what the citizens of Rio are dealing with in terms of the "other gang" - the military police.
What made it so scary: we had an indication that they may have wanted to mess with us (by taking what must have been an enormous amount of effort in turning around, following us, staring, glaring, and apparently even yelling out to us at one point - though I did not hear it), and there would have been absolutely nothing anyone could or would have done about it. Because they are the military police. Heavily armed. In a "position of trust" - the scariest concept of all.
We take this for granted back home.
*eek* Here in Nairobi where carjackings and muggings are common place at least we only have to worry about the thugs and "gangsters." Our police are completely ineffective (and highly bribable) but at least they're not bad guys! *shudder* Glad to hear that you and your friends managed to get away without incident.
Posted by: Typ0 | July 04, 2008 at 04:47 AM
Thanks, It was quite terrifying.
Posted by: DRL | July 04, 2008 at 04:55 PM
OMG. That is so scary. And I was worrying sick about being mugget at gun point by gangs. I didn't even thought about the police!!
Posted by: Hanna | May 25, 2009 at 07:19 PM