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    « Os Normais | Main | Big day today, kids, Big day! »

    July 17, 2008


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    Home on vacation in the US right now, and I see no low-crotched pants...I think it's a Brazil thing!


    I didn't see anything like this up here! I can't even imagine how it looks like in the body...


    I've seen low-crotch shorts (dressier shorts that the girls wear with heels) here in Belo Horizonte, but not the pants yet. I'm really, really hoping these don't stick around long. I personally think it looks like the wearer has on a water-logged diaper underneath. Soooo, not attractive!


    These pants are not even as extreme as some I've seen! These are just the ones I have a photo of! I will try some on and take a photo so you can see, Thelma...
    Re: it only being a Brazil thing - a little relieved I must say, a little relieved...
    I also received a lovely email from a reader in LA yesterday who commented that they took a poll at the office and the response was: "we're thinking no on them." Love it! I will try and post more Brazilian fashion items as they are very unique!

    Emily from BH - I agree! I tried on what I thought was a long skirt recently to find out it had little leg holes and honestly the getup added about 20 lbs I didn't need... not flattering.


    Ummm, no, can't say I've seen anything like that around here, but sometimes we are a little slow with the trends! You should bring a pair back with you to see if you can start the trend up here! :)


    Haha no I don't think I could do it! Maybe if someone else wore them!


    Ok, I just got back from Rio yesterday and my boyfriend had a pair of these! I was like "first of all I'm pretty sure these are only for women, and secondly they're horrible!" So he said "how do you know they're only for women?" To which I replied "because I read about them on a blog!!"


    Yes I think these would be even WORSE for men!

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